
What is YOUR Challenge?

Recently, we challenged our students to complete 21 practices in 25 days at our studio. I loved seeing them often, watching them earn their stickers and add them to the board next to their names, and hearing about the positive differences they have noticed in their lives.

A record number of our participants met their goals in spite of real challenges, which made me proud and grateful that they made yoga a priority in their lives. I was one of them.

As I took a step back from our board, looked at my name and the word “challenge,” I realized that this was not MY challenge. The thing is – I love yoga! I am blessed to have the time and a beautiful space to practice. It is not a challenge, on most days, for me to unroll my mat. My challenge lies elsewhere.

I am the least competitive person I know. This is nothing new; I have always been this way, much to my coaches’ dismay when I played sports growing up. I deeply admire my friends who push themselves to their physical limit, and who care where they place at the finish line.

So, in the spirit of doing things that challenge me personally, this morning I laced up my running shoes for the second time in a year and went for a slow jog. Then I made an appointment I had been putting off for almost two years. After that I wrote and sent a note I should have done a long time ago. These were my real challenges, even though I did not get stickers for them.

What is your challenge?