Categories for Musings


May 28, 2010 / Announcements

What moves you? An inspirational quote, an unexpected victory, a heartwarming story? Recently I had the pleasure of judging a high school oratorical contest. Despite their nervousness, each contestant took the assigned topic, wrapped themselves around it and presented it to the audience like a gift. I was instantly moved. To put aside fear and… Read More

Stepping in to Change

March 26, 2010 / Announcements

Change, it occurs in and around us on so many levels.  The most obvious of course is the change that affects our senses and emotions immediately and can make us very uncomfortable along the way.  It is often not long after the uncomfortable period ends that our situation improves and we quickly forget the discomfort. … Read More

Light on Yin

February 28, 2010 / Announcements

When I was asked to write a blog about Yin yoga, I wanted more than anything to shed some light on this lovely practice.  I could probably write several pages on the what, how, and why of Yin yoga, however writing a book is very different than writing a blog!  The intention for this blog… Read More

The Movie Avatar: Talking “Yoga”

February 24, 2010 / Announcements

Somewhere between Snowcapolypse and Round II, cabin fever got the best of me and I scooted over to the cinema to see the movie Avatar.  Rich with imagery as fantastic as anything I could imagine, what I found especially striking was the language.  They were talking yoga!  Intended or not, the language we hear in… Read More

Flying Beyond Fear

June 29, 2009 / Announcements

Ursula overcomes her fears and takes to the trapeze!


June 1, 2009 / Announcements

The world honors Guruji after his passing on May 18

Yoga and Earth Day

April 22, 2009 / Announcements

In honor of Earth Day, begin a new practice to bring yourself more into balance with the environment.

starting new

February 6, 2009 / Announcements

what are your dreams for 2009? will starting something new, like creating a blog or finding your way back to your mat, be the way for you to connect with others and make a difference in your life and for those who are around you?